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Today is January 20, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Goodhue, MN
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Summer is over, but was there ever a break? Another year has gone by, and the only predictable thing in life has been that there are no breaks. The constant pressure of doing everything perfectly causes you to want to escape everything important to you. Motherhood, marriage, friendships, work, and now fall is here…… No one seems to understand how overwhelmed you are. They certainly don't know that you are living with a constant feeling in the pit of your stomach that makes you doubt yourself and feel like a failure. Things really are more chaotic than usual. But they don’t have to stay that way any longer. I get it and I can help. As a psychotherapist and ADHD-Certified Clinical Services Provider, I specialize in helping women recover from burnout, stress and anxiety in their very full lives. In our work together, you will experience self-compassion as you learn to navigate your world differently and master new ways to respond to the demands of your busy life. You’ve been suffering for too long. You do not have to do it all and you do not have to do any of it alone. Is therapy hard? Yes! But it’s a different kind of hard than the stress and anxiety you've been living with for too long. Contact me to schedule a complimentary consultation and explore how I can help. You deserve to heal. Let's talk.
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2413 | Minnesota
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Are you seeking peace of mind with less triggers, increased happiness, spiritual growth or more fun in your life? I am a Holy Fire III Usui/Karuna Reiki Master Teacher and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I am a creative, intuitive, inventive, grounded, and calming presence that I bring forward into my practice to help those with anxiety or depression or someone just wanting to find more of their own inner peace and enjoyment for life. I utilize Holy Fire/Usui Reiki healing, crystal healing, sound healing and intuition along with my family systems psychotherapy and certified EMDR training to provide a therapy session to get View 4 Photos I am a Certified EMDR practitioner and an Usui Reiki Master since 2005. Reiki is an energy healing modality proven by the Center of Reiki Research. My practice bridges the gap between holistic practices and traditional talk therapy. As a Certified EMDR Therapist, I have an in-depth understanding of complex trauma. Everyone has it in themselves to heal. I fully honor and shine light upon you and your journey so far to help you gain insight into taking the steps to where you would love to go. I am offering sessions via Telehealth and in person. Contact me for more information regarding different session offerings.
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